Thursday October 24th till October 26th

Abdij Maria Toevlucht

A unique insight into Trappist life.

This autumn StiBON offers a truly exceptional specialization trappist beers. During this two day course you will gain in depth knowledge of trappist beers, their beerstyles, background of the trappist order, the reason some monasteries have chosen to brew beer, and of course information on the breweries themselves. Naturally, the respective beers will be tasted and compared.

The specialization will take place in the guesthouse of Abbey Maria Toevlucht, giving you a direct experience of trappist live, as we will respect the monastic day order.

The specialization consists of seven classes by Henri Reuchlin and Jens Luckart, who have been advisors to the breweries of Zundert Trappist, Tynt Meadow and Stift Engelszell respectively. Each class is followed by a tasting. All classes and tastings will be in English.

The course will be held in Abdij Maria Toevlucht

Rucphenseweg 38,

4882 KC Zundert.

Thursday October 24 at 9:00 until Saturday October 26 at 13:15.

Costs for this course are € 575,= incl VAT per participant.

This includes:

  • all classes (7) and tastings
  • two nights of lodging
  • meals during the specialization.

There is a possibility to rent bedlinen for € 10,= per night.

Fully booked – all applicants have been informed.

Registration is closed.